Friday 14 March 2014

WIP: Revell Ferrari 308 GTB

This is the second time I've built this one and probably won't be the last.
I collected a few of these in both the original form and in the later Magnum re-box, all in varying degrees of completeness and condition.

The first one was built straight out of box.
This was intended to be a test bed for corrections as it were.

The first thing to deal with was the body.
The original body had mostly closed vents and the soft 30+ year old plastic wasn't that easy to work with so I decided to graft on the bonnet section from the Italeri 288 GTO kit as it would give me the open vents as well as the cool extra vents on the lid as well.

After taking care of the join...

it was time to tackle the real problem with this kit.
Most members of AF agreed that the side view of the kit is wrong but not many were able to quite put their finger on it. The most common cited problem is that the roof-line is too low, too flat and too much like a "squashed bug". I was of the mind that the roof-line was fine and that the problem was with the window trim.

I don't have a before shot but I had already started to take off the trim and re-work the door-line at the sill.

the real car

a later shot

It's still not perfect but I can assure you it is a lot better than before.
Looking at it now, I can probably take that a lot lower than I had as you can see that the lowest point of that curve sits lower still and there is less door above the door-vent on the real than on the kit.
Fixing the door is a mighty bit easier than fixing the roof-line but yes, you can see here too that the angle of the A-Pillar is too shallow on the kit so does need fixing.

The chassis had a little work done on it too.
The reason why I like this kit is that it is one of the few existing ones of the Ferrari 308 and possibly the only one with an engine part in it.
Unfortunately, the kit itself isn't that great and designed at a time when they were a little less fanatical about accuracy as we are now. For instance, the underside of the chassis has solid parts where they should be hollow beams.

After this, I didn't really take many photos of the rest of the build.
At this time, I had so many going on side by side that stopping to take photos would've taken more time than me jumping from build to build.

Body painting.

Next to a 328

The two are painted using different reds. One is Tamiya Italian Red and the other is a Humbrol Red that is slightly more orange for that vintage Rosso Corsa look.

Interior was given a biege on black for some contrast

Really wish I took photos of the engine building before I installed everything.

1 comment:

  1. wait?! Where`s the rest of it?

    Good work! I am doing one of these at that exact time. It seems that the already-started state is the rule with this kit. Maybe someone at revel was paid to start them before being approved for sell
